Meet the Team

At Citus Data, our mission is to make it so developers never have to worry about scaling their database. Our expertise is in Postgres and distributed systems—and we have decades of collective experience managing Postgres databases in the cloud. And in 2019, we were acquired by Microsoft.

Umur Cubukcu
Umur Cubukcu

CEO & Co-Founder

I co-founded Citus Data to make it so SaaS businesses never have to worry about scaling their database. As CEO, I serve in both operational and strategic roles, doing whatever is needed to make my customers and my team successful.

Before founding Citus Data, I led enterprise software and IT projects at Boston Consulting Group. And I worked with some of the world’s biggest companies including Wal-Mart and Kimberly-Clark at demand analytics startup TrueDemand. At startup, I served as CEO and put the company back on a growth path. I have an M.S. in Management Science & Engineering from Stanford—plus a keen interest in how scalable systems of record can help businesses to grow.

Ozgun Erdogan
Ozgun Erdogan

CTO & Co-Founder

I am a co-founder of Citus Data, where I am CTO and get to solve really interesting distributed database problems. I started Citus because I believe developers should not have to re-architect their application in order to scale out their database.

My love for technology started with a Commodore 64. I earned a B.S. from Galatasaray University and an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford. Before Citus, I was a software developer in the distributed systems team at Amazon, where I designed distributed caching algorithms and built systems for scalable data analytics. My other awesome job title: Dad.

Sumedh Pathak
Sumedh Pathak

Former VP of Engineering & Co-Founder

I am a co-founder of Citus Data and the VP of Engineering. At Citus, I lead the effort to make sure our scale-out database is useful for app devs, so developers can focus on their application and not their database infrastructure. Before Citus, I worked as a software engineer at Amazon on the shopping cart app; I also worked on distributed data stores like Dynamo, and relational data stores such as Oracle. I have an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford and a B.S. from University of Minnesota. In my free time, I keep it simple: you’ll find me with my family and throwing the tennis ball for our dog.

Craig Kerstiens
Craig Kerstiens

Head of Cloud

I joined the team at Citus Data to help create Citus Cloud, our fully-managed database as a service. As head of cloud, I am responsible for product, engineering, and operations for our cloud database. My goal at Citus: to give developers the experience of having the best DBA in the world.

Before Citus I ran product at Heroku Postgres and for Heroku core languages and APIs, where I launched support for Python, PHP, and Go. I also worked on Postgres’y things at Truviso, where I extended Postgres to be a streaming database. I have a degree in Management Information Systems from University of Alabama, which is where I fell in love with bbq and football.

Claire Giordano
Claire Giordano

VP of Marketing

I joined Citus Data to lead marketing and raise awareness about the worry-free Postgres database that is Citus.

Before Citus, I served in leadership roles in engineering, product management, and marketing at Sun Microsystems, Quantum, and A9, an Amazon company. At Sun, I managed the engineering team that created Zones, and I led the effort to open source the OS. At A9, I launched the beta of a new advertising platform; at Quantum I delivered over 15 scale-out storage products. My career in tech all started in Providence: I earned an Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science from Brown University. Which explains why I'm a New Englander at heart.

Utku Azman
Utku Azman

Managing Director, EMEA

I love being part of a technology stack that enables organizations to observe, measure, and understand the swaths of data that are available today. As the managing director of EMEA, I manage our EMEA engineering team as well as leading all sorts of business and operational projects.

Before Citus, I served in senior business development roles at Intel, Oracle, and McKinsey. I was a product manager at Google, and a systems engineer at Alcatel-Lucent. I earned M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Cornell and an MBA from London Business School. When I'm not at work, I love to snowboard with my family.

Saurabh Modi
Saurabh Modi

VP of Sales

I joined Citus Data to help our customers modernize their data platforms without having to replatform. And to join a pretty stellar team. Before Citus, I served in sales leadership roles at both MapR and Oracle. At MapR, I worked with big data customers on Hadoop and open source projects. At Oracle, I was responsible for growing database, middleware, analytics, and infrastructure sales. I earned a BS degree in MIS in the heart of America’s dairyland, at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. And when I’m not at work, I’ve been learning how to entertain my young children on long car trips—with the power of song.

Burak Velioglu
Burak Velioglu

Software Engineering

I joined Citus to work on challenging distributed systems problems—and to take the awesome database that is Postgres and make it scale out. I’ve been interested in data science and analytics since forever, or at least since college. Before Citus, I was a researcher on machine learning techniques for computer vision, NLP problems, and brain decoding. I earned my B.S. and M.S. degrees from METU in computer engineering. When I’m not at work, you’ll find me listening to classical music and working on my PhD.

Burak Yucesoy
Burak Yucesoy

Software Engineering

I am a software developer. I joined the team at Citus Data to work on distributed systems and databases and especially HyperLogLog. Before Citus, I worked as a software engineer at SAP on distributed databases; I did a research stint at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon; I contributed a translation of Ubuntu into Turkish; and I earned a B.S. in Computer Science from Bilkent University. In my free time, I play experimental games and build flying robots. One of my dreams is to have my own metal workshop.

Daniel Farina
Daniel Farina

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data as a principal engineer to help build our fully-managed database as a service, Citus Cloud. My goal: to enable developers to forget about their database and focus on their application instead.

I first started to use Postgres in a computer science class at UC Berkeley. My later work at streaming database company Truviso also involved Postgres. And then I joined Heroku, where I was one of the earliest and longest-serving Postgres engineers, managing thousands of Postgres databases in the cloud. Another claim to fame: I created and maintain WAL-E. My free time is spent with my wife, newborn baby, and learning from the lessons of history.

Eren Basak
Eren Basak

Software Engineering

I am a software developer. I joined Citus Data to scale out Postgres and work on distributed systems. These days I work on Citus Cloud, our fully-managed database as a service. Before Citus, I worked on web and mobile applications, as well as geographical information systems and software quality measurement.

I have B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Bilkent University. When I’m not at work, I spend my time with all kinds of motorcycles and my favorite space opera, StarCraft.

Furkan Sahin
Furkan Sahin

Software Engineering

My favorite field in Computer Science is distributed systems. So I joined Citus to work on really difficult distributed systems problems with an engineering team that not only loves what they do, but loves to share their expertise with the community. Before Citus, I worked on blockchain-based data distribution systems, distributed databases, and complex data visualizations. I have also worked on percentile approximations for PostgreSQL and distributed tables (my favorite type of table). My B.S. degree is in Computer Science from Bilkent University.

Hadi Moshayedi
Hadi Moshayedi

Software Engineering

I joined Citus to work on complex distributed systems problems. In my early days at Citus as the first employee, I created an open source columnar store for Postgres called cstore_fdw, along with a bevy of other useful Citus features. I am an ex-Googler and an active Google Chrome committer, contributing patches to event dispatching and processing in ChromeOS. I have won way too many programming competitions in my day. Nowadays, I dream of distributed databases and winning road bike races in Kitchener, Canada.

Jason Petersen
Jason Petersen

Software Engineering

As an early team member at Citus Data, I've had a front-row seat to watch the Citus distributed database grow and scale. And I’ve learned the true measure of a product is getting it into the hands of customers with the ease of use they intuitively appreciate. Commitment to doing even the little things well is what makes me most proud of my work, be it an elegant algorithm within AWS, clean Rails UI libraries, or a new SQL feature that just works. When I'm not obsessing over tasks at work, I love playing piano, gardening, sampling new restaurants, or biking around Denver's City Park with the kiddo.

Joe Nelson
Joe Nelson


I joined Citus Data because I love Postgres and I believe developers need great documentation. I am a speaker, blogger, writer, and maintainer of popular open source projects, notably PostgREST a RESTful API server for PostgreSQL. In addition to programming, I enjoy teaching and organizing events such as the Bay Area Haskell Users Group. I earned a BS in Mathematics from UW Madison. I have a luddite affection for dumb phones, card games, and chalkboards.

Lukas Fittl
Lukas Fittl

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data to make distributed databases easier to use—and to make it so developers never have to worry about scaling their database. As a principal cloud engineer, I helped to create Citus Cloud, our fully-managed database as a service that scales out Postgres. Before Citus, I was part of the founding team at Product Hunt and a co-founder at & Spark59. I’m originally from Austria and yet nobody thinks I have an Austrian accent. When I’m not working, you’ll find me biking across the Golden Gate Bridge: the view of the golden gate never, ever gets old.

Marco Slot
Marco Slot

Software Engineering

I am a principal engineer at Citus Data, although I prefer to be called chief bug fixer. I've been working on distributed systems for over a decade. Citus is the most exciting technology I've worked on. Every time there is a new feature, countless new possibilities are created within the database. I work on all parts of Citus and on lots of crazy ideas. Before joining Citus Data, I worked on distributed operating systems, helped start Route 53 and CloudFront at Amazon, and got a PhD in cooperative self-driving cars. I love mountain hiking but I live in a flat country, so I travel around a lot and cycle on the flats of nearby dunes and tulip fields.

Metin Doslu
Metin Doslu

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data to be part of the company that scales out Postgres, so that developers can focus on their app and not their database. At Citus, I am both a software developer and a project manager: I get to create and I get to lead. Before Citus, I worked as a software engineer on train traffic control software and on a mobile development environment in the IoT space. I love software and I code in my spare time, including writing predictive algorithms for College Football game scores. I have B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Bogazici University. I sometimes wonder if the universe is deterministic or not.

Murat Tuncer
Murat Tuncer

Software Engineering

Challenging myself is important, which is why I joined Citus Data as a software developer: distributed systems are hard! And I love working on back-end development. Before Citus, I worked on R&D projects in distributed systems, network protocol analysis, and data mining—in the defense industry as well as at Microsoft and Real Networks. I graduated with a B.S. degree in Computer Science from Bilkent University. In my free time, I hang out with my wife and teenagers and build static ship models.

Onder Kalaci
Onder Kalaci

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data as a software engineer to scale out Postgres. And to do something that had not yet been done: a full outer join of an awesome RDBMS with a robust distributed system. Before joining Citus, I worked as a software developer on an environmental monitoring system, a dynamic data race detection framework, and unified threat management. I earned a B.S. degree from METU and an M.S. degree from Boğaziçi University in computer engineering. I think thread level parallelism is the perfect topic for dinner table conversation.

Sai Krishna Srirampur
Sai Krishna Srirampur

Solutions Engineering

I am a solutions engineer at Citus Data. I spend my days onboarding customers, advising on data models and sharding strategies, and demo’ing the Citus distributed database to help developers understand how Citus can help them scale out Postgres. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in Computational Linguistics from IIIT in Hyderabad, India. And I’ve published several papers in the field of Natural Language Processing. Before Citus, I worked as a software developer at Epic Systems Corp. Fun fact: I am also a professional ping-pong player. You can catch me flipping, looping, and lobbing a few times a week. 🐋

Sally Martinez
Sally Martinez

Customer Success

I joined Citus Data as part of sales and customer success, to help people learn about how Citus can help them grow their business. Our mission: to make it so developers never have to worry about scaling their database. Before Citus Data, I worked in lead development and as an account manager at Percona, Jaspersoft, and MySQL. When I am not working to make customers successful, I hike the mountains of Idaho. I’m also a bit of a foodie, and I love trying out new restaurants as well as trying out new recipes at home.

Samay Sharma
Samay Sharma

Solutions Engineering

I joined Citus Data over 5 years ago as a software engineering intern before finishing my degree in Computer Science at IIIT Hyderabad. Flash forward to today, I am now the Lead Solutions Engineer. In my earlier years at Citus, I created new features and wrote documentation. These days I spend my time onboarding customers, and demo’ing our distributed database to those who want to learn whether our sharded Postgres will help them scale out their application. When I’m not at work, you’ll find me at the theatre watching Bollywood movies.

Will Leinweber
Will Leinweber

Security Engineering

I am a principal engineer and security lead at Citus Data. I joined Citus because I love working on challenging database problems and Citus gave me the opportunity to help create Citus Cloud, a fully-managed service we offer to keep your database worry-free. Before Citus, I spent 5 years working on the core Heroku Postgres team. I graduated with an M.S. in bioengineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I love music, so when I’m not working, I’m probably at a concert or listening to music somewhere.

Dimitri Fontaine
Dimitri Fontaine

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data to help users make the most of the Citus extension to PostgreSQL. Goal: to improve user experience one bit at a time. I love being a PostgreSQL Major Contributor and being part of the Postgres community. I contributed the extension facility and the Event Triggers feature to core PostgreSQL, and I also work on documentation, pgloader, and organizing Postgres conferences. Prior to Citus Data, I served in architect, CTO, and engineering leadership roles at 2ndQuadrant and leboncoin.

Recent news: I wrote a book! “Mastering PostgreSQL in Application Development” teaches SQL to application developers so they can replace 1000s of lines of code with simple SQL queries.

Teresa Giacomini
Teresa Giacomini


I joined Citus Data as a Principal Marketing Program Manager to create programs & events that help developers learn what the Citus extension to Postgres can do for them. Before Citus Data, I worked at Oracle as a Principal Engineering Program Manager, where I managed field communications, new product introductions, and events large and small—from Oracle OpenWorld to customer advisory boards. In the operating systems group at Sun, I was the Open Source Community Manager for OpenSolaris where I grew the number of user groups from zero to 150+. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from U.C. Berkeley. A farm girl at heart, I like to hang out in the garden with my chickens when I’m not at work.

Joe Sciarrino
Joe Sciarrino


I joined Citus Data to enable developers and businesses to scale their data. As the commercial Director of Sales for Citus, my primary responsibility is to be ‘“chief listener” for customers, collaborating with them to address their challenges with performance and growth. Before Citus, I served as a senior Account Executive at Heroku, managing and growing $35 million of Heroku's accounts during a 3 year period in which top-line revenue quadrupled. Previously, I served in both product management and sales roles at AnyPerk, Vivint, and I earned a B.A. in Economics from Wake Forest University, with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Outside of work, you'll find me befriending restaurant owners, trying to discover all the secret menus.

Nils Dijk
Nils Dijk

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data because I am obsessed with distributed systems problems like TopK, and I wanted the opportunity to work on beautiful data structures like bloom filters. Prior to working on the Citus database, I built an ETL stack at Bottlenose that ingested more than 10% of all tweets into an online analytical database. At Uber, I worked on the distributed systems layer that powered most of their dispatching stack. My degree is in Computer Science from the University of Applied Science of Amsterdam in Game Technology. In my spare time, when I’m not on the meetup circuit in Amsterdam, I analyse multiplayer video games to extract movement information and social graphs from the players.

Amanda Durham
Amanda Durham

Executive Admin

I joined Citus Data to be part of something that matters. At Citus, I serve as executive admin to the CEO and his staff, I manage the San Francisco office, and I provide logistical support for internal and external events. Before Citus, I worked as a business analyst for PG&E Academy, and as a compliance analyst for PG&E Gas Ops and Engineering. I am a lifelong student, and I’m not yet done learning new things. I earned a B.S. in Business Management from Indiana Wesleyan University & an MBA from Brandman University. Once upon a time, I proudly served as a Radioman in the US Navy. On weekends, you’ll find me volunteering for Meals on Wheels and Habitat for Humanity.

Colton Shepard
Colton Shepard

Solutions Engineering

I joined Citus to make it easy to scale out Postgres and bring worry-free distributed databases to the world. As a solutions engineer, I get to spend my days working with users, answering questions about data models and sharding keys, and making sure that everything goes smoothly with onboarding. Before Citus, I worked with fleets of millions of devices, I managed complex distributed file sharing solutions, and I kept online courses for massive schools running. When I’m not at work, I like to build tabletop role-playing games. I will never stop trying to find something new.

Murat Ulutas
Murat Ulutas


I joined Citus Data because of the people. Based in Istanbul, I am responsible for accounting operations and government relations for our EMEA teams, including working on the Innovation Agendas set forward by the EU & other Governments in Europe. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Istanbul University and a Master’s Degree in International Accounting from Nisantasi University. And when I’m not at work, I love to play football (some people call it soccer) and table tennis.

Dan Alpert
Dan Alpert


I joined Citus Data so more and more enterprises will benefit from Citus, and how Citus transforms Postgres into a distributed database. As Director of Sales at Citus, I work closely with customers to make sure their experience with us is a success, from evaluation all the way to deployment. Earlier in my career, I worked for a fast-growing data platform startup focused on meeting the needs of the Fortune 500. My bachelor’s degree is in marketing and logistics from Central Michigan University, but my learning didn’t stop there: I have formed a lifelong hobby of taking really interesting data science classes. And I have music in my DNA: I come from a family of musicians, directors, and conductors, and I myself play 5 instruments.

Louise Grandjonc
Louise Grandjonc

Solutions Engineering

I joined Citus Data to help Postgres users take advantage of Citus to scale out their database. At Citus, I’m a solutions engineer, and I collaborate with users on data models for new projects and migrations. I love working on database performance and tuning SQL queries. Before Citus, I was lead developer at crowdfunding company Ulule where I was also responsible for website performance. And at peopledoc, I worked on PostgreSQL full text search. I have a masters in Computer Science & Engineering from Université de Technologies de Compiègne. When not at work, you’ll find me playing the bass viol or reading one of my favorite books, “The Master and Margarita.”

Hanefi Onaldi
Hanefi Onaldi

Software Engineering

I joined Citus Data to work on distributed systems, and to find ways to pull apart and distribute data. Before Citus, I created tools for machine learning workflows at a leading mobile phone operator; I also worked at on software to monitor and improve customer experiences. Processing millions of feedback items has helped me to understand how Postgres operates and to appreciate the flexibility and power of a relational database like Postgres. I am currently pursuing a BS double major in Computer Engineering and Mathematics at Bogazici University. And in my free time, I train bots on my favorite novels so my favorite characters from different genres can speak to each other.

Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis

Software Engineering

I joined the Citus team at Microsoft as a Principal Engineer to raise expectations of what a database can do. Citus is at the perfect intersection of analytics, performance, cloud, Postgres, and community. And I believe Microsoft is the perfect place to take Citus to the next level. Before Citus, I worked on streaming analytics at Truviso, at Aster Data, and on AWS Aurora. I’m also a Postgres committer—and have been working on PostgreSQL since I was 16 years old. My B.S. degree is in Electrical Engineering from the University of California San Diego. And when I’m not at work or doing patch reviews for Postgres, you just might traveling the world to yet another PostgreSQL conference.

Nik Larin
Nik Larin

Team Member

Ad dolore et eos aperiam rem. iste quasi numquam dolorem minus cupiditate praesentium ea nisi. ipsa dolor non similique et quos sunt velit voluptatum qui illum ut itaque velit. repellendus id sint quo et qui aut nostrum harum sed mollitia inventore qui vero. ut rem debitis qui numquam optio cupiditate dolores

Onur Tirtir
Onur Tirtir

Team Member

Excepturi magni delectus praesentium dignissimos quaerat quia cumque tenetur alias expedita omnis ratione accusamus. aut modi tempore earum consectetur impedit mollitia vitae consequatur voluptas impedit. provident adipisci maxime rem. et consequuntur consequuntur hic magni perspiciatis similique et consectetur deleniti et. ipsam asperiores omnis sit iusto facere vero necessitatibus ut. autem id officiis voluptates et

Sait Talha Nisanci
Sait Talha Nisanci

Team Member

Praesentium aut fugiat voluptate. sed molestiae quaerat ea laudantium molestiae et aut minus quo nam libero eius non. dolorum consequatur eos fugiat sed consequatur doloremque cum ut placeat voluptas incidunt. distinctio itaque exercitationem odio placeat voluptate eaque voluptas unde minima architecto molestias ab. repudiandae aut animi dolor ex commodi saepe omnis non. sequi possimus ut nostrum magni fugiat

Pouria Hadjibagheri
Pouria Hadjibagheri

Team Member

Qui esse minima quam quibusdam voluptatum quibusdam. quis doloribus saepe aut sed nihil tempora error voluptates voluptatibus saepe possimus deleniti. veniam assumenda in id et vero qui vel sed et eveniet quos explicabo. rerum laudantium itaque velit ducimus voluptas dolorum cupiditate tenetur natus inventore

Gurkan Indibay
Gurkan Indibay

Team Member

Ipsum tenetur ipsa qui dolorum aut odio esse accusamus et. et voluptas ut vitae animi voluptatem nobis nihil hic maxime inventore velit earum. iusto aperiam velit molestias ullam. culpa quas consectetur quis libero ut ratione officiis ducimus eos et quo ut rerum rerum

Melih Mutlu
Melih Mutlu

Team Member

Quisquam dolorum corrupti enim ea voluptates vero. deleniti velit aliquid accusantium earum molestiae delectus consequatur sit animi in explicabo voluptas. velit harum ut fugiat voluptatem in ex nihil alias eos quia. animi enim officia quae aut ut quam saepe esse molestiae labore sint incidunt ipsa iste. ullam suscipit nemo distinctio ipsam ducimus et voluptatibus sunt ipsa consequatur dolor quod dolores

Ozan Saka
Ozan Saka

Team Member

Deserunt ea dolorem repellat quia repudiandae consequuntur eos architecto est laudantium non aspernatur minima. deleniti itaque nemo cupiditate cupiditate perspiciatis corrupti consectetur et fuga beatae maiores vero. doloremque sint sapiente animi aut debitis aut

Nazir Bilal Yavuz
Nazir Bilal Yavuz

Team Member

Dolorem repudiandae labore incidunt voluptatem a aut veniam ratione quia. tempore qui dolorum magni quia soluta excepturi est qui sed sint ipsam. dignissimos blanditiis omnis magnam. odit cumque dolores sint repudiandae exercitationem quam. illo repellendus neque qui nesciunt est similique voluptate aut sit quas dolor ea sint totam. qui sit aut doloremque nostrum doloremque quibusdam. et amet repellendus error adipisci quia sunt doloribus ipsam deserunt deserunt facere eaque nesciunt

Alexander Kukushkin
Alexander Kukushkin

Team Member

Rerum repudiandae quis suscipit illo. libero neque dolorem nisi eos omnis. sit repudiandae est voluptatem et earum. in sit deserunt aliquam et odit quia dolorem. cupiditate et corrupti et. et ea nesciunt eos exercitationem et odit

Carol Smith
Carol Smith

Team Member

Rem quia ullam maiores qui architecto consequuntur inventore. modi repudiandae et voluptatem deleniti. dolorem accusamus magnam non voluptatem nihil et eius necessitatibus. ut molestiae consequatur ut autem maxime et fugit qui nostrum. maiores fugit omnis et inventore in doloribus ut ea totam architecto odio aliquid fugiat nihil. omnis placeat ea qui ducimus distinctio quidem. necessitatibus fuga pariatur ipsum vero quo voluptatem et quia voluptatibus pariatur

Lucas Borges Fernandes
Lucas Borges Fernandes

Team Member

Nihil temporibus quo itaque fugit odio in ducimus molestiae totam adipisci. reprehenderit ut ipsam et ratione. omnis cumque minus et sit. quos sunt rerum eaque ut ratione libero hic quo in ad minima doloremque et asperiores. temporibus qui minima odio fugiat vitae veniam autem vero architecto tempore

Aykut Bozkurt
Aykut Bozkurt

Team Member

Quod ipsum ratione sint provident molestiae eaque qui aliquam occaecati consequatur dolores alias voluptas. suscipit in omnis sed natus numquam est est eligendi et dolores saepe voluptas sint. qui facilis ullam magni

Teja Mupparti
Teja Mupparti

Team Member

Perspiciatis deleniti facilis sunt eum voluptatem et excepturi est voluptate rerum. blanditiis laudantium dolorum omnis rerum temporibus et minima minima iure est laborum voluptatem. in nemo et autem temporibus perspiciatis tenetur ipsum ea in. voluptate magnam similique aut a sit vel velit officiis sunt aliquam quos. et cum sed sapiente numquam id asperiores ratione quis in voluptate. totam ducimus illum consequuntur officia. illo tenetur sed dolor est amet repudiandae perferendis ab officiis optio pariatur

Naisila Puka
Naisila Puka

Team Member

Fuga vel ea dolorem qui voluptas aperiam non itaque officia qui voluptatem harum. ratione laboriosam laborum in velit deleniti ut eum voluptatum nobis id eius et non. omnis deleniti repudiandae facilis sint laboriosam eligendi explicabo odit enim commodi. corrupti cumque nostrum provident qui mollitia est in quisquam autem similique consequuntur. nihil et est animi nobis omnis a quia quia tempora ea ipsa omnis magnam commodi. sapiente ut pariatur dolor laboriosam et harum nemo adipisci deleniti qui sit. rerum at quae qui dolores autem quibusdam et non fugit nulla libero

Ari Padilla
Ari Padilla

Team Member

Quas necessitatibus omnis aut cumque saepe reprehenderit eveniet. eaque ut accusantium esse dolore nam aspernatur. eius consequuntur est alias explicabo temporibus deserunt porro rerum. voluptatem laboriosam quam voluptate accusamus eaque iusto et. sint aut illo expedita illo eligendi omnis aut laboriosam aut velit praesentium quas rem enim

Melanie Plageman
Melanie Plageman

Team Member

Magni praesentium ut minima. qui corporis animi quo unde molestias consequuntur placeat dolor debitis nesciunt dolorem minus voluptatem. asperiores odit accusamus nam unde et

Aaron Wislang
Aaron Wislang

Team Member

Accusamus ea dolor sit. sed non facilis officia nemo dolor vero qui recusandae natus minus ut. neque ut quia qui perspiciatis molestiae quod laborum est id et corporis maiores autem excepturi. in harum veritatis qui est sunt iure voluptatem ratione quisquam voluptate asperiores. sed itaque at id. vel sapiente sit eligendi qui sint aut quod. qui ratione excepturi qui cupiditate ipsam

Emel Simsek
Emel Simsek

Team Member

Eaque sit rerum vel minus et vel veniam nesciunt nemo quam eos nam placeat voluptas. repudiandae corporis quia dolores sed esse enim sit. temporibus quas odit tempora possimus


Josh Berkus
Josh Berkus

Josh Berkus is a hacker emeritus of the PostgreSQL Core Team and is the community lead for Project Atomic at Red Hat. For many years, Josh served as CEO of PostgreSQL Experts, a professional services consulting company that provided full-stack application development for PostgreSQL. At Sun Microsystems, Josh was in charge of PostgreSQL for Solaris. And before Sun, Josh served as the open source community manager for the data warehousing startup, GreenPlum.

Peter van Hardenberg
Peter van Hardenberg

Peter van Hardenberg was an early team member at Heroku and co-founded Heroku's Department of Data, the team behind Heroku Postgres. Heroku was acquired by for $212M, less than four years after founding. Earlier in his career, Peter worked as an Arctic oceanographer, game developer, and Shakespearean scholar. Peter lives in the heart of San Francisco and advises high-growth software companies like Citus Data, Zapproved, and Auth0.

Andres Freund
Andres Freund

Andres Freund is a PostgreSQL committer and developer, focusing on replication, scalability, and robustness. Andres served as a principal engineer at Citus Data for many years; prior to his work on Citus, Andres worked as a PostgreSQL developer and consultant at 2ndQuadrant. Currently Andres is a database architect at EnterpriseDB. Andres has been developing Postgres and other open source projects since 2005. In his free time, Andres enjoys climbing, diving, and paper books.

Join the Citus team at Microsoft


Now Part of Microsoft


Citus Data and Microsoft