Citus Blog

Articles tagged: conference talks

Craig Kerstiens

PGConf EU: HyperLogLog, Eclipse, and Distributed Postgres

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | December 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017

We're big fans of Postgres and enjoy getting around to the various community conferences to give talks on relevant topics as well as learn from others. A few months ago we had a good number of Citus team members over at the largest Postgres conference in Europe. Additionally, three of our Citus team members gave talks at the conference. We thought for those of you that couldn't make the conference you might still enjoy getting a glimpse of some of the content. You can browse the full set of talks that were given and slides for them on the PGConf EU website or flip through the presentations from members of the Citus team below.

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PGConf.EU is October 27th through the 30th and we are looking forward to a great event which is drawing a high level of interest from the European PostgreSQL community. Two Citus Data team members will be presenting:

  • Andres Freund will present...
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Ozgun Erdogan

pgDaySF 2015 Takeaways

Written byBy Ozgun Erdogan | April 7, 2015Apr 7, 2015

We recently attended pgDaySF, the one-day PostgreSQL event organized by the San Francisco PostgreSQL User Group and part of the bigger FOSS4G conference. The event was very well attended, and we were excited by the content of several presentations...

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Marco Slot

PGConf.Russia talk on pg_shard

Written byBy Marco Slot | March 23, 2015Mar 23, 2015

Last month we went to PGConf.Russia and gave a talk on [pg_shard](/citus-products/pg-shard) which is available for download on GitHub. pg_shard is an open source PostgreSQL extension which allows users to scale out their database by creating a cluster...

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